A Story for Every Occasion

Original Narrative Writing
The Gainesville Times, Brandee A. Thomas
I was scared, but I did it!
My pep talk got shorter with each line and I was able to relax a little bit more with each descent. Right there, whizzing by tree limbs and seemingly within arms reach of the clouds, I felt a moment of serene liberation.
I can’t say that I’ve ever felt freer.
My security blanket of low risks serves me well, but apparently, so does occasionally throwing caution to the wind.
Donor Communications Content

Nonprofit Executive Director Statements
Have you ever wrestled with tiny seeds of doubt? You know your intentions are good, but you wonder if you’re hitting the mark?
Confession: I have. MSP has provided a home for homeless women and children since 2000, but what residents needed 19 years ago isn’t exactly what they need today. Because of that, we’re constantly reevaluating our program.
This December one of our residents provided the confirmation that I needed.
“Thank you for everything,” she said tearfully as she loaded her last bag into a friend’s car to head to her new apartment.
“I really didn’t think I could do this. It’s a lot doing this by yourself. I couldn’t have done this without y’all. Y’all changed my life.”
Shay, a single mother of 4, came into our program with very little support. She couldn’t get her youngest children into daycare because she didn’t have their birth certificates. We eliminated that barrier, by paying for replacements. They didn’t have medical coverage because she hadn’t had transportation to apply for the services. We helped her with that too. We helped her get work-ready clothing for herself and winter clothing for her children. We walked beside her every step of the way as a partner and support system. We were there to lift her up when things got hard and to also challenge her to push for better for her family.
We were able to do this for Shay, because of YOUR financial gifts in 2018. Your gift helped 74 homeless women and children on their journeys out of poverty. YOUR generosity provided 5,600 meals and 1,855 nights of shelter.
Thank you for being a friend for the homeless. We look forward to working together this year to help restore homeless women and children into their own homes.
Award Winning Journalist
Georgia Press Association As a former journalist, Brandee Thomas is keenly aware of the topics and story ideas that are appealing to media profession